Fluent Future
e-volunteering with fluentfuture

PROMAJ Language Tuition, Teresopolis, 90km from Rio de Janeiro

We aim to provide youths from poor families in Teresopolis, Brazil with a second language as a tool to improve future employability.

By volunteering as a fluentfuture online tutor, you can change the lives of many youths who are passionate about learning. Get involved in our promising fluentfuture program!

The PROMAJ -Programa Municipal de Atendimento ao Jovem – (Youth Assistance Municipal Program) is a municipal initiative working to equip youths (14-18 years of age) from poor families in Brazil with practical skills for the future.

The Teresopolis City Hall, with the support of the Mayor of Teresopolis – Jorge Mario Sedlacek, offers part time employment after schooling hours to youths. This provides gainful employment and teaches participants the importance of being responsible at an early age.

PROMAJ youths earn tickets to pay for their return fare to the City Hall, a basic bag with some food at the end of the month and a salary of US$ 70.00/month. These can sometimes greatly supplement the family income.

Many participants cannot afford to attend the best but often private & therefore, expensive schools. Upon reaching the age of 18, the youths are then required to seek employment by themselves, where sometimes, they could be vulnerable to exploitation.

There is ample drive & ambition to learn with hopes of breaking out of poverty. Everybody dreams of going to college or university.

Having strong foundations in a second language makes a tremendous difference for PROMAJ participants to reach their full potential.

If fluentfuture volunteers can provide the youths of Teresopolis a unique opportunity to practise English, they will be able to build greater confidence & stronger marketability.

PROMAJ have access to computer labs at the City Hall which are open to all PROMAJ students.

Help us make so many dreams come true. All we are appealing for would be 2-3 hours of your time weekly to practise English with PROMAJ participants via online tutoring.

To volunteer, kindly drop us an email on


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Promaj ParticipantsPromaj Participants